Landmark Cases
Fun Stuff
Cameras in the Court

Theodore B. Olson



Murphy v. NCAA (16-476)

Murphy v. NCAA (16-476)

2017-12-04 10:06:00
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (08-205)

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (08-205)

2009-03-24 10:09:00
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission REARGUMENT (08-205_r)

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission REARGUMENT (08-205_r)

2009-03-24 10:05:00
Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico v. Aurelius Investment, LLC (18-1334)

Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico v. Aurelius Investment, LLC (18-1334)

2019-10-15 10:06:00
Aurelius Investment v. Puerto Rico (18-1475)

Aurelius Investment v. Puerto Rico (18-1475)

2019-10-15 10:06:00

Official Committee of Debtors v. Aurelius Investment (18-1496)

Official Committee of Debtors v. Aurelius Investment (18-1496)

2019-10-15 10:06:00
United States v. Aurelius Investment (18-1514)

United States v. Aurelius Investment (18-1514)

2019-10-15 10:06:00
UTIER v. Financial Oversight Bd. (18-1521)

UTIER v. Financial Oversight Bd. (18-1521)

2019-10-15 10:06:00
Department of Homeland Security v. Regents of the University of California (18-587)

Department of Homeland Security v. Regents of the University of California (18-587)

2019-11-12 10:06:00